


介護福祉士・社会福祉士・保育士 実習生受け入れ 兵庫・尼崎・日生中央・姫路




Akane, the company I work as a web designer, has quite a lot of nursing care facilities in Kansai area. At The Lotus Odeon, one of those facilities very close to Hanshin Deyashiki station (you can’t miss it – it’s a very modern stylish looking building – you’d probably think it’s a fashionable café or a cool art gallery. It seriously doesn’t look like a nursing care facility!), I spent one week there during the training course so I am a little familiar to the staff and the place.


I heard that two non-Japanese stuff are working at The Lotus Odeon. One person comes from the Philippines and the other person comes from Colombia. I’m sure I am not the only one who’s wondering how they are doing. Very curious!


Right. I am going to introduce you to Ribera Jasmine Mayo from the Philippines.


She is from Subic which is on the west side of Luzon island. (about 100 kilometres (62 mi) northwest of Manila Bay.) Ribera speaks Japanese fluently as she’s been living in Japan for nearly fourteen years. She has a Degree in Computer Science and also studied nursing. (She once wanted to become a brain surgeon! Very cool!)


Ribera is a kind, lively and sweet person. I got the chance to talk to her!


How did you end up in Japan?

A: 2003年に日本語を勉強するために来日しました。親類も日本に住んでいるので特に不安はありませんでした。

 I came to Japan to learn the language in 2003. My relatives live here so I had no fear.


Why did you decide to work in care industry? Tell me what your other career is.

A: オデオンに来る前、県立尼崎病院で4~5年間、看護師のアシスタントをしていました。神経内科で寝たきりの方々のお世話をする仕事でした。フィリピンではお年寄りのお世話をするのはごく普通のことなので、私にとって介護はごく自然なことですね。

Before I came to The Lotus Odeon, I worked at Prefectural Amagasaki Hospital for four to five years as an assistant nurse.  I was in the Neurology dept. looking after the bedridden elderly. In the Philippines, taking care of the elderly is very common so it is not particularly a special thing for me.


In your country, do people live with the elderly?

A: フィリピンでは、お年寄りが家族と一緒に住んでいてもいなくても、家族との繋がりは深いです。私も、おじいちゃんとおばあちゃんが大好きで、毎日彼らの家に遊びに行っていました。とっても楽しかったです。今でもよく思い出します。

Some do, some don’t. But whether we live with the elderly or not, we look after them and we always keep an eye on them. I always went to my grandparents’ house when I was little and we played together. I learnt a lot from them, too. I still remember those fun old days.


What do you think about the Japanese elderly?

A: フィリピンのお年寄りと同じ、変わらないです。そして、失礼かもしれませんが皆さんの笑顔や、利用者様同士でたまにあるちょっとしたケンカを見ると、かわいい、愛らしい、と思います。

The same as the elderly people in the Philippines, I think. I am not being rude but I find them very sweet when they smile.  Also I find them loving when they have little tiffs or rivalry between them.


When you are with the elderly what do you care most?

A: 相手の気持ちを一番大切にします。人と関わるのが大好きで、元気のない人を見ると気分を盛り上げてあげたいし、普段、独り暮らしでさみしく感じている方にも明るくなってほしいです。

I care how they are feeling and what they are thinking. I love interacting with people. I want to cheer people up and I want people to be lively. 


This is no hospital but I feel responsible for their life as they can be fragile.


Have you felt a language barrier?

A: まだまだ聞いたことのない言葉は沢山あります。仕事の合間に日本語の勉強はまだ続けています。お年寄りが使う古い言葉も面白くて勉強になります。

There are still many words that I need to learn. I am studying Japanese in my own time. I sometimes hear interesting old phrases from our clients.


Tell me your vision. What do you want to do in the near future?

A: 人と関わることをしていきたいです。看護師の勉強も続けたい。でも、国家試験は漢字なども難しくて、日本人の友達も私も落ちてしまいました。本質的な回答が合っていれば合格にしてほしいです。漢字で落とされるのは悔しい。

As I love interacting with people and I like helping people I want to go back to studying to be a nurse.  But I find it very unfair as the exams are too tough for non kanji candidates.  Even some of my Japanese friends failed the exam because of kanji. I want the exams to be more “contents orientated”.


Do you like Japanese food?

A: 日本食、大好きです! 和食は皆好きです♪ 神戸肉のステーキとかもいいですね♡ 和食はバランスがとれているし美味しい。

I love Japanese food! I love them all. It is very well balanced, I think. Oh, I’d love some Kobe Beef steak.


What do you do at weekend?

A: 息子がサッカーをしているので (ゴールキーパーだそうです)、 練習や試合を観に行きます。

My son plays football.  He is a very good goalkeeper.  I always go and watch him playing football at weekend.


We got to know Ribera a little. She is a very friendly, affectionate and charming girl. There is no difference between non-Japanese person and us.  On the contrary…I found there was a lot to learn from her as she is a carer of considerable abilities.




At Akane, (i.e. The Amareness Garden, The Gin-no-Kai) we accept some volunteers from Germany every year. It is pretty fascinating to see people from all over the world come to Akane, swap opinions and work together. It must be very inspiring for all of us. This could be very beneficial for the clients, too.


I will be writing about Cristina from Colombia in the fortnight.  See you soon!


介護福祉士・社会福祉士・保育士 実習生受け入れ 兵庫・尼崎・日生中央・姫路
